
How to know if someone secretly doesn’t like you

Identifying whether someone doesn’t like you can be challenging. It requires intuition and thorough observation to determine whether it’s actually happening.

But the bigger question remains: Why are they secretly mad or dislike you? Most people have this question, but few have the right answers. 

In this piece, we’ll explore ways or techniques for determining whether someone secretly doesn’t like you and why.  

30 Signs Someone Secretly Doesn’t Like You

Contemplating the art of human relationships can be as challenging as solving the most puzzling cryptic message. 

While some people are often easily recognizable by the way they wear their hearts on their sleeves, others tend to hide their true feelings behind the mask of politeness or indifference.

In this section, you will learn 30 signs to help you know if someone secretly doesn’t like you.

Let’s dive right in!

Non-Verbal Cues

People express themselves through subtle gestures and mannerisms, opening a new dimension of emotions that words might not fully convey. 

These slight cues often give much information about things that are not spoken. It is essential to consider the non-verbal clues when determining whether someone secretly holds a grudge towards you. 

Here are several subtle yet telling signs to watch out for:

Quick Eye Rolls: Subtle but quick eye rolls when you speak.

Eyes, like windows to the soul, are very revealing. They frequently reveal what cannot be said with words. 

The flick of an eye roll, a tiny gesture, can take on quite a lot of importance in interpersonal communication. It is a split-second gesture that carries a message about the speaker’s attitude towards either the content of your speech or sometimes even about you. 

Even though it is brief, a single eye roll can leave a longstanding mark on people, implicitly undermining the credibility and rapport between two people. 

The almost invisible lift of the eye, combined with the slight downward curling of the lips, can show a feeling of dismissal or lack of interest in your ideas before being heard. It’s almost like the eyes say, “I’ve heard enough,” or “I don’t take you seriously,” without saying a single word.

Avoiding Eye Contact: Consistently avoiding looking you in the eyes.

Looking into someone’s eyes is one of the core parts of human life, and it encourages honesty, confidence, and communication. 

In contrast, lack of eye contact may indicate discomfort, avoidance, or deception. It might feel like the other person is always keeping their distance from you, ignoring you, and unwilling to go deeper if someone frequently looks down. 

Instead of creating a personal bond through eye contact, they isolate themselves, thus producing a barrier that prevents accurate communication. 

It’s like they are building a wall with you on the other side, depriving you of their innermost selves. 

Forced Smiles: Smiles that don’t reach the eyes, indicating insincerity.

A smile is usually viewed as the universal tongue of kindness, a message that conquers cultural and linguistic barriers. 

But not all smiles are sincere. A fake smile lacking genuine heat and happiness can turn gloomy, revealing emptiness and alienation beneath the facade. 

It’s the sort of smile that doesn’t quite touch the eyes, making them look gloomy and empty instead. Those who have mastered facial expression subtleties can detect this friendliness without any lies. 

Closed Body Language: Arms crossed or body turned away during conversations.

The body, generally known as the nonverbal communicator, tells a lot through its posture and gestures. 

Closed body language manifested by crossed arms or a turned-away torso creates a physical barrier that shows emotional distance and defensiveness. 

It indicates the absence of willingness or desire to engage in a dialogue, suggesting hesitancy or detachedness. 

When you can’t get through to the other person with these signals, you can feel like you’re hitting a wall in all your efforts to connect, leaving you with an unwanted sense of frustration or rejection. 

Sighs: Frequent sighing when interacting with you.

Whether exasperated or exquisite, sighs are those unconscious breathing out of breath that convey many meanings through their context and tone. 

Frequent sighing by someone talking, primarily during conversations, is often related to a wide range of underlying feelings. It could mean impatience, irritation, or even resignation. 

Such negative emotions may create an impression of uneasiness or tension, further dampening the conversation’s upbeat mood. 

You can almost feel the sighs bouncing off the words, the heaviness of these unspoken signals or complaints taking you into a subtle undercurrent of emotions. 

Microexpressions of Disgust: Brief facial expressions that show disgust or disdain.

Microexpressions, those fast facial cues that indicate deep-seated emotions, are like murmurs lost in human conversation. 

Among them, the most revealing could be expressions of disgust or disdain. Whether it is a slight turn of the lip or a transient brow furrow, these microexpressions deliver an instinctive reaction to something about what you are saying or doing. 

Many may ignore them, but to a sharp eye, they provide insight into people’s deeper feelings hidden just under the surface. 

Verbal Interactions

When it comes to the camber of human verbal intercourse, verbal interactions have a leading role in the whole textual body of our relations and economy. 

Even though words are powerful enough to create bonds and bridges, they hide true sentiments and dynamics. 

When trying to discern if someone might secretly hold grudges against you, verbal cues should be your priority.

Short Responses: Giving minimal responses in conversations.

Exchange adequately supports communication and serves as a stepping stone towards realizing greater comprehension through mutual bonding. 

However, the sudden halt of back-and-forth communication using short, brief answers makes you feel like you are being blocked in pushing for engagement. 

It could be that a one—or two-word reply, a simple “yes” or “no,” may communicate a lack of interest in the conversation or a gap in the communication. 

They make you feel like you are the only one doing all the work like you are the one who is being affected the most, but the other person is still waiting. 

Formal Tone: Using a cold or overly formal tone unlike their usual.

The tone is usually regarded as the mood reflected in communication and gives the essential clue of an individual’s intent and attitude. 

Sometimes, when someone switches to a less friendly, formal tone, it seems different from the usual friendly communication method. 

Unlike the customary associations of either positivity or closeness, their words are colored with a coolness or barrier, which emphasizes the gap between the two subjects. 

Rare Initiatives: Never initiate conversations or calls.

Mirroring one another is the essence of mutuality, with each party’s person participating in organizing communication. 

Meanwhile, a person needs to work on beginning conversations and phone calls, which can lead to an imbalance in the relationship because of commitments to their timetable. 

In the place of symmetric interaction and giving convincing effort, you are left to struggle to continue those precious relationships and ties with them. 

When you do everything there is to do but don’t receive anything in return, such as reciprocity or connection, you can feel like nobody cares or doesn’t care enough for you. 

Backhanded Compliments: Compliments that feel insulting.

When honest and from the heart, compliments achieve the surprising feat of lifting the spirits and reassuring the carrier, usually bringing two people or making life easier for the shared group of family and friends. 

But beware; not all compliments are equal. Although covered by a veil of praise with an underneath insult or dig, a somewhat backhanded comment leaves you guessing or vexed.

 They have one hand reaching for you in gratitude and the other softly running down your sense of self-assurance as if it is a fragile piece of confidence bound to crumble through one tiny indicator of inadequacy. 

Criticism: Frequent subtle criticisms or unnecessary corrections.

Constructive feedback is imperative in one’s growth and development process by offering a person possible ways to improve on things that do not serve their interests.

However, this only holds if constructive criticism is replaced by nitpicking or getting corrections that you can’t even see. 

The effect is that you may feel in your daughter’s competence or ability. Sometimes, pointing out jabs in disguise that can be gently criticized can be challenging. 

Sometimes, small details are reviewed from the bottom up, leading to decreased self-confidence. 

Change in Communication Pattern: Texting or talking less frequently than usual.

Conversation norms gauge the conditions of lasting connections with others, showing how much clarity and communion exist. 

If someone declines one`s texts or calls, it can be a sign of the end of the period and the quality of the relationship. 

The interaction and being involved feel different and muted; the silence bears the message instead. 

The shift in communication patterns can be caused by external factors or motivations like disinterest or resentment. 

Social Dynamics

Society is a masterpiece in the portrayal of social interactions where, through the rare yarn of inclusion and exclusion, people depict belonging and acceptance. 

The intricate human relatedness entails the importance of being keen on the hidden signs that can indicate exclusion or alienation.

Exclusion from Events: Not inviting you to meetings or social gatherings.

While the hangouts and gatherings are the moments we come for, the critical product is that we bond after getting to know ourselves and our classmates better. 

When you are constantly excluded from these events, and you have no say at all, you feel the term depression smell as you realize you are just nobody. 

Despite your zest for a party, your desire for the social life you have lost because of the lack of invitations and your eagerness to participate leaves you on the periphery, not only on the outside but yearning for a sense of belonging that remains evasive. 

Ignoring in Groups: Overlooking your comments in group discussions.

Group discussions facilitate the exchange of new ideas and opinions, contributing to a feeling of collaborativeness and involvement: 

Group discussions are a rich source for the exchange of ideas and perspectives, fostering collaboration and belonging. 

Yet, such feelings crop up when your contributions are neglected, and your voice turns invisible or false. 

You post comments and ask questions, but no one really bothers you. Your efforts are simply shrugged off, making you feel like you don’t exist and are unnoticed. 

Whispering to Others: Frequently whispering to others but not including you.

In hearing these whispered conversations, these encrypted codes viewed in public are the most forceful markers of the divisions that build up walls or bring people together. 

When whispering periodically occurs, mostly just around you but with another person left out, you may think that they are not talking about you but about somebody else. 

No Reciprocal Sharing: Shows little interest in your life or well-being.

Reciprocity defines healthy relationships between family members, friends, or business partners; in each case, it is necessary to exchange care and support for other people’s needs. 

Despite this, it can bring discomfort if a person does not demonstrate a desire to explore the world or care for their well-being. 

Following your attempts at camaraderie, a wall of silence or even disregard begins to edge you further and further to the point that you are left with a feeling of being insignificant or just needing a pat on the back. 

Different Treatment: Treating others warmly but not you.

Equality and respectiveness through the return of sociodynamic stability are the foremost characteristics of social interaction. 

Being yourself can be problematic when you watch someone treat other people fairly while at the same time playing such a “cold” role with you, so you definitely may experience feelings of confusion or spite.

Lack of Support: Not supporting your ideas or efforts, especially in public.

Support comes in two shapes: emotional and practical, and it is the basis of a healthy connection. 

Besides, it gives you hope and approval when you need it the most. 

Even though it is hard to accept when someone’s ideas or actions are not supported, especially in public, from the open confrontation, this can be a feeling of betrayal or disbelief in helping me. 

Digital Indicators

The online arena in this digital era is analogous to a medium that offers us the privilege of digitalizing the dynamics of our social interactions so that others can peek at how we are in relationships. 

It’s essential to remain aware that discouragement between online human interactions could come from the slight symptoms of a distancing feeling, even a vibe of being far apart.

Decreased Social Media Interaction: Less engagement with your social media posts.

Online media services like social networks create virtual places for social bonding and interaction while giving people the possibility to share and comment. 

When you observe a drop in social interaction, like, comment, and share, it will make you feel lonely or unimportant. 

Your attempts to share and connect over anything are in vain as you notice no response from others, making you feel ignored or underestimated. 

Whether due to shifting priorities or underlying reasons, negligence of messages and posts indicates, directly or indirectly, the weakening of your place in the digital atmosphere or space.

Not Responding to Messages: Regularly ignoring your messages or emails.

The digital communication area involves responsiveness, which resembles engagement and connection. 

Sending somebody a text or email and not getting a response can be disturbing since a person may start feeling disappointed or excluded in the communication. 

Although in your effort to relate and reach out to them, they do not answer, and thus, you become an isolationist with a dehumanizing attitude. 

Either they are omitting a reply because of other commitments, or they are not responding; this indicates that you are either excluded from or deemed unnecessary in their digital world.

Public Exclusion: Do not tag or mention you in posts where others are included.

Digital social media posts are like quick snapshots of our social networks, acting as observer windows into our social adherence and partners. 

Where you don’t get tagged or mentioned in posts, where others are tagged, showing they are included, those same feelings of exclusion or marginalization are most likely to develop. 

Even though you are such an integral part of their day-to-day lives, the general public will never mention or acknowledge you, making you feel forgotten and neglected.

Behavioral Clues

Human behavior can be the most puzzling thing in our lives, especially when we cannot immediately interpret what is going on in our relationships. 

To find out if a close one hides negative emotions from you, you should watch the nonverbal messages, which may be a clue to what one feels about you.

Reluctance to Help: Unwilling to assist you when you need help.

Healthy relationships are the cornerstone of support and help, complementing care and mutual cooperativeness. It may cause some to feel like raindrops: Disappointed or frustrated? 

You need to acknowledge the case for seeking their help, but they don’t lend a hand, leaving you in a lonesome fight. 

Whether it is a case of selfishness or lack of empathy, the fact that they withhold themselves from lending a helping hand is tangible evidence that they disregard or loathe you.

Unexcused Absences: Finding excuses not to meet or cancel plans.

The core of trust and credibility in relationships rests on union and faithfulness, representing honesty and respect. 

If a person perpetually cancels plans or misses scheduled times without reasonable cause, the trust and amity that was formerly established will steadily diminish. 

Despite all your attempts between connections and get-togethers, they fabricate weak excuses and fail to show up, making you feel ignored or disregarded. 

Their noticeable pattern of no-shows becomes a warning sign that they either don’t feel any particular connection with you or have confrontations with other admirers.

No Eye Contact in Conversation: Deliberately avoiding eye contact even in direct conversation.

Eye contact is essential in establishing the nonverbal code of communication consisting of honesty, attentiveness, and connection. 

When someone systematically and repeatedly refuses to maintain straight eye contact with you, it can cause you to develop a state of insecurity and mistrust. 

The existing behavior is not very helpful, as they ignore you and look elsewhere, leaving you with a disconnected or dismissed feeling.

Physical Distancing: Subtly moving away from you in shared spaces.

The closeness between emotional and physical proximity in social interaction is represented through comfort and familiarity, which is often characterized. 

Even someone accidentally withholding something from you in close places can make you feel rejected and forgotten. 

Even if you are there in person, they might purposely build up barriers or restrain the distance just to isolate or exclude you.

Indifference to Your News: Showing indifference or minimal reaction to your good news.

Whether positive or negative, communicating with others is just a regular characteristic of human relationships, manifesting as loyalty and insecurity. 

Even when people are uninterested or need more feedback for your news, it frequently makes you feel bad or too little. 

You can feel proud of your enthusiasm and happiness; however, when your conversation partner gives you lukewarm responses or quickly changes the topic, you realize your efforts are again unappreciated and overlooked.

Interrupting You: Frequently interrupting or talking over you.

Active listening is actually one of the key basics of good communication, which is built on a base of respect and regard for the person who talks. 

The reaction to such events is often irritation, anger, or inadequacy. Regardless of your contrition to voice your opinion, they will either overrule you or reject your supplements, and you will end up feeling uncared for by the end. 

Leaving When You Arrive: Making an effort to leave a place when you arrive.

Social activities and common areas provide a chance for martial and corporate bonds, symbolizing community and kinship. 

When anyone appears to leave the place upon your arrival, it unarguably generates the emotions of being ignored or rejected. 

Despite your presence, you’re not worth considering, so they pack up and leave you lonely or an outcast.

Sarcasm: Using sarcasm frequently in conversations with you.

Communication manifests the essential core of any relationship: knowledge and empathy between individuals. 

Every time you use wry comments when communicating with one another, they can make you feel angry and suspicious. 

Even when trying to interact on a deeper level, they use their sarcasm to ridicule or degrade you, making you feel small and irrelevant. 

Such snide remarks can be displayed as a subtle form of mockery or utter disdain, illustrating their callousness; sarcasm is their go-to tool to belittle your feelings or disagreements.

Not Celebrating Your Achievements: Ignoring or downplaying your achievements.

Successes and certain victories are the way to celebrate because they are evidence of hard work and determination. 

People can begin to doubt themselves when others dismiss or criticize their accomplishments, which may turn into disappointment or undervaluation. 

It might seem you have a lot to say, and they listen with indifference, moving on with a discussion on a different topic, leaving you with feelings of nonexistence.


There is nothing much you can do when someone doesn’t like you, but there is something you can do or ways you can know if someone doesn’t want you. 

With the methods and techniques we have provided above, you should be able to know when someone doesn’t like you quickly.

It’s now up to you whether you want to reciprocate the approach they have used or let things slide, which is the more mature approach. 

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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