Funerals mark the memory of the decisional approach and move on to highlight the rich life experiences that truly represent them. Death is a reality of this world, just like funerals are held to mark the memory of the decisional approach. Eulogies must include a person’s lifetime memories, personality traits, and accomplishments in the best possible way.
Eulogies can be written using examples and ideas found online. Although quantity is important, quality should always be considered first. Many attendees are at a loss for words when they are called upon to speak on these occasions. Others read it like an encyclopedia.
What is a eulogy?
A eulogy is a remembrance speech given in memory of a loved one. A close friend or family member gives this speech at a memorial service or funeral.
A good eulogy significantly impacts the family and community if it is delivered correctly. Delivering your speech will allow you to share their unique qualities and the ripple effect of positive change they brought to the world. Reflecting on the details that were most special about them can help you heal.
Eulogy Samples for Family Members
Below are some examples of what should be included in a eulogy about the reaction of the person you commemorate.
- Example of a mother’s eulogy
We are honoring, celebrating, and remembering a woman of courage and persistence who never gave up on what she set her mind to.
I find it difficult to describe how beautiful and caring she is as a mother today. Working 40 – 50 hours a week, balancing work and home, was never easy for her. Her love and kindness were infused into everything she did.
Her presence brought joy to everyone in the room. It is impossible to forget her smile. She gave me advice that I will never forget. Her wisdom will forever guide my decisions for the rest of my life. “I love you, mom.”
- Example of a father’s eulogy
“My father was my hero. His patients felt like the most important people in the world to him. As a child, I knew my Dad would always be there for me when I needed help, no matter his actions. He was a source of stability and strength for my entire family throughout my childhood.
My father infused fun into everyday tasks. During bedtime, he would highlight stories from our favorite books and make them an adventure. He had a kind and thoughtful heart. Every night, he hid tasty treats in the pantry for us kids, so we could talk about what we were grateful for at dinner. “I will never forget your amazing memories, Dad, and I will always cherish them.”
- Example of husband’s eulogy
When I first moved to LA nearly 20 years ago, I met Dave. Over time, he became one of my closest friends. I learned how to use the internet for the first time, enjoyed fun outings, and heard music I had never heard before.
We spent 11 truly joyful years together, filled with the deepest love, the happiest marriage, and the truest partnership I could ever imagine. Having experienced his deep understanding, total support, and complete and utter love, I will carry that experience with me forever. Most importantly, he gave me two of the most amazing children.
He stayed calm when I got upset; he was my rock. He assured me that everything would be fine when I was worried. Whenever I wasn’t sure what to do, he figured it out. In every way, Dave was completely devoted to his children, and their strength these past few days is the best sign that he is still with us.
The time we spent together wasn’t nearly enough. Despite my heartbreak today, I am equally grateful. Having been Dave Goldberg’s wife for 11 years and being a parent with him for 10 years may be my greatest luck and happiness. Despite our short time together, I am grateful for every moment.
Today, we buried only the body of the love of my life. Giving is still a part of his amazing ability. His love lives on in the memories people share of him, in the love that is evident in the faces of family and friends, and in the spirit and resilience of our children. Although my beloved husband’s life will never be the same, the world is a better place for the years he has lived.

- Example of a wife’s eulogy
In response to his friend’s question, a Greek Philosopher weeping over the passing of his beloved wife replied, “I weep on that account.”
I must have been a very special person for Caroline to have put up with me for so long. My heart is full of love for her. Although our marriage has been long and happy, it doesn’t make things easier at the moment, but I hope we will be able to do so soon.
During our school years, we first met. Caroline, a goalkeeper on her High School Hockey Team, never lost a match. Caroline qualified as a nurse after school and secured a job at the local hospital before joining me. Caroline moved with me to the nearby hospital when I moved to pursue my research.
I was awarded a visiting fellowship at Harvard University in the winter of 1958. After a honeymoon in Cornwall, we sailed to America on the Queen Mary the following summer after getting engaged.
Through the St. Lawrence Seaway, we returned to England after an interesting and rewarding year in the USA. Upon arrival in London, we moved into a lovely flat in a Georgian house overlooking Regent’s Park. As Caroline obtained work nearby, we could walk together to our respective workplaces through the park.
The appointment of my lectureship back up north brought us closer to family and friends again after three years in London. Over the last 50 years, we have enjoyed many wonderful neighbors in our house up north. We produced our much-loved children during this time, as well as our beautiful grandchildren.
She suffered a severe stroke last November. She died on New Year’s Eve after contracting a chest infection on Boxing Day. After her stroke, we visited her every day and were fortunate to be with her at the end. She displayed remarkable courage, fortitude, and humor in facing the pain, distress, and sheer frustration of her terrible condition.
Even the silliest culinary and domestic mishaps could make her smile. Although she spoke only a few words, they will forever be etched in my memory.
We would also like to express our deepest gratitude for her loving and tender care from the nurses and doctors. We are grateful to all of them for taking such good care of her. I considered Caroline my closest friend, my most constant companion, and my better half. Sadly, I will miss her dearly.
- Example of a mother-in-law eulogy
The words “mother-in-law” conjure up many images in most people’s minds, and not all are flattering. Perhaps you think about a bitter older woman moving in and constantly bickering with you about your children, or maybe you imagine your mother-in-law continually interfering with your marriage.
My mother-in-law was none of those things. Victoria was a sweet, kind, and very gentle woman. Her family and home welcomed me with open arms. Not just me. Her reputation as the neighborhood mother as well. She would never let anyone go hungry without making them something to eat. Her personality dictated this. If a child were cold, she would find them a coat. Her door was always open if an older woman needed anything or a well-known friend needed a place to sleep.
She could laugh at anything. There was always a silver lining to a gray storm cloud for Victoria. Our first home needed more repairs than we expected when we bought it. Although I was slightly disappointed and angry, she said, “It will be a great learning experience!” She asked my husband, Rodney, to show me how to hang the drywall. He would be happy to help you!” That was Victoria”; always willing to lend a hand or a smile. Whatever you needed, she was more than happy to provide it.
In addition to sewing, my mother-in-law did many other things as well. Her kind gestures and the things she loved to do will forever be remembered for the love she spread. Her gentle spirit will remain in our hearts forever, even though she may not be with us physically today.