From childhood, mother’s day has always been close to our hearts. Every year, we make small efforts to make our mothers happy. Like making a card for her to pluck a flower from a nearby garden. No matter how small …
10 Brilliant Mothers Day Necklace With Names And Birthstones
Among many occasions across the world, mother’s day has a special place in the hearts of people. Why? Well, because it’s associated with a figure people cannot imagine their lives without. While there are so many ways to celebrate a …
Few Easy Steps To Clean Your Silver Jewelry
In contrast to wiping down countertops or vacuuming the floor, cleaning your jewelry, especially those silver pieces that tarnish so easily, might not be on your priority list. This often-neglected cleaning project is simple to do, even though things we …
How to Figure Out Your Ring Size at Home
Getting a ring that doesn’t fit your finger is the worst feeling. So be aware of the steps to measure the exact ring size and precautions to be kept in mind while measuring. This guide is here to help you. …
How to Clean Rings at Home?
Do you want your rings to remain shiny and sparkling? If yes, then you need to properly follow the maintenance routine that involves the thorough cleaning of rings. Without cleaning, your ring is likely to lose its shine and become …
What Is a Signet Ring and How It Makes You a Gentleman
Are you confused about what is a signet ring? No worries, read this guide till the end to know everything about the signet ring. Signet Ring- What is it? In the Past, the signet ring was the ring worn by …