Writing a sympathy card is quite a tough task. You have to use words that lessen the pain of the reader instead of adding more to it. It’s a great pain to lose your father. If you know someone grieving at this loss, make sure to send your kind condolences his way. Your kind words may encourage him to move on. A perfect message can give such a person strength and courage to face this huge loss.
If you don’t know what to write on a sympathy card, here you go. These quotes are great to condole your loved one on the loss of his father.

Messages to write in a sympathy card for the loss of the father
- Your father was a great man. I am feeling utter sadness deep down in my heart. Accept my prayers and condolences.
- He left you but you will always feel his presence. He will be watching you from another world.
- I can’t forget the humorous conversations I had with your dad. No one can compete with his sense of humor. Everyone will miss his way of bringing smiles to every face.
- Accept my sympathies on this loss. Stay strong my friend!
- Your father was proud of you. He was overjoyed to see his son achieving big in life. Losing his is an irreparable loss for you. Accept my heartfelt condolences.
- No matter whether he is with you or not, you will always be his little champ. He is seeing your progress from the skies.
- Grieving the loss of a father is painful. You will always be in my prayers. May your pain lessen with time. My prayers are for you and my sympathies are with you.
- It’s a terrible moment for you. You must be thinking that life was not fair to you. There comes a time when one feels shattered. May you get enough strength to bear this pain.
- I am sorry to hear this sad news. Today you lost the source of your strength and courage. But remember, we are always with you. You are in my prayers.
- Your father was a great man. His kindness was unmatchable. He was so nice that I will never be able to forget him. Accept my deepest condolences at this loss.
- It’s really difficult to handle this tough situation you have encountered. The loss of a father hits too hard that it puts you in uncertainty. May you get the strength to deal with this challenging situation. My kind sympathies are with you.
- Your dad had an unmatchable personality. Whenever I met him, he made me feel special. I can never forget the way he used to treat people.
- Accept the condolences from my family to yours. Your dad will be missed. I have never met a man like him. His diligence was unparallel.
- I am here to grieve with you at this big loss. Your dad was such a man that everyone is grieving and shedding tears. It’s a painful time not only for you but for me as well. And we will pass it together. Remember, you are with me in my prayers.
- My sincere condolences are to you. You will have to be strong to become the strength of your family members.
- Your father has passed away but here his dreams will live. Be strong to fulfill all his dreams. He never wanted to see you shedding tears. Be brave and face this hard time with courage.
- Your dad’s life was remarkable. Not a single person said any bad word about him. Such men are hard to find. And once found, they are hard to forget.
- Sending a lot of prayers and condolences your way. I feel lucky that I spent some quality time with your dad. He was a man with wisdom and knowledge. Feeling sorry for you. I can’t stop thinking about you and your pain.
- Your dad was an inspirational man. I always admired his personality and wisdom. Please remember, I am grieving with you.
- I heard the news of your dad’s death and couldn’t compose myself for hours. I can imagine what you will be feeling these days. May your sorrows lessen with time.
- I know this loss has caused an emptiness in your life that can never be filled. But remember, I am always available to you. Whenever you need to talk to someone, you can call me anytime.
- Don’t think your dad is not alive. He will always live in our memories.
- This time is challenging for you. Remember the memories you made with him. It will surely comfort your heart.
- I heard the sad news of your father’s death. My words are nothing in front of your sorrows. But this letter is just to tell you that I am here praying for you all the time. Don’t feel alone.
- I am aching for the loss that hit you so hard. May your heart find comfort and peace in the memories of your beloved dad.
- It’s difficult to lose a person who loved you unconditionally. Accept my sincere condolences.
- Your father always loved to brag about how diligent his son is. You were his pride. Keep getting success in life as your father will be watching you from the skies.
- One thing your father used to do often was to help others. I always found him generous and polite. May he find peace in the life hereafter.
- I am extremely sad for you on hearing this tragic news of your father’s death. I know your relationship and attachment with him. It’s hard to bear this pain but stay strong.
- The thing I am going to remember most about your dad is his cute, cheeky smile. His smiling face showed his pure intentions for others. He was indeed a great person.
Losing a father is a loss that can never be forgotten. But appropriate words can fill a bit of emptiness the one is feeling. Hope this post helped you choose the right words to address your beloved friend. Life will now be different and tough for your friend. Make sure to support him in such hard times.