Dealing with an annoying person has to be considered one of the hardest tasks ever. This is especially if you’re still trying to be nice to them. The amalgamation of anger, annoyance, and niceness can even make your eye twitch if you can’t keep it cool.
Dealing with such people can, however, be easy. Be an expert at ignoring things and being positive. Having self-control with yourself even when your annoyance is boiling over is important in helping you notify the person politely.
In this article, we will show you how to tell someone they are annoying in a nice way, and how to put up with them too.
Tips For Expressing Your Thoughts To Someone Who is Annoying In A Nice Way
1. Acknowledge Positive Qualities First
Positivity has been known to fix a good number of things. Annoyance is one of them. Once you ignore their negative attributes and focus on the positive, you’ll find yourself warming up to them
2. Choose Your Words Wisely
Annoyance is basically anger’s best friend. When you find yourself at the peak of your anger-induced annoyance, remind yourself of the person’s feelings. To choose kind words to say, you’ll have to be calm, otherwise, it will just look forced.
You can try diverting your thoughts elsewhere, to your happy place. It will help you achieve the calmness and sound mind needed to tolerate annoyance.
3. Use “I” Statements to Express Your Feelings
This method works because in the case of trying to tolerate annoying people, once you start to focus too much on them in the conversation, all their negative traits keep unfolding. They will hence trigger your anger.
The moment you switch to using “I” statements, the focal point of your feelings is on you. This way you will be able to politely pass across your point, and not unleash your anger to the annoying person.
4. Focus on Specific Behaviors, Not the Person
This is under diverging your thoughts. Sight is an easy way of doing that. If the thing that really ticks you about the person is tied to the sense of sight, then divergence will be easier. This is now an opening to notice the visible positive qualities of the person.
Listening to other voices may also help. When you feel like your annoyance is building up when they talk or when they do anything that concerns the hearing sense, counteract with zoning out of the conversation a little bit to other sounds.
5. Offer Constructive Feedback and Suggestions
Whenever you’ll feel like they are giving annoying answers, talking too much, or any other annoying thing, make them notice and change by politely offering your feedback.
The secret to this is using the known common polite interjections such as the words “Please” or “Excuse me”. You can say things like, “Maybe you should try…”, or, “Could you try something else…” It will all depend on the situation.
6. Be Mindful of Tone and Non-Verbal Cues
Your primary goal here is to express your thoughts politely to this annoying person. This disqualifies any phrases, tones, or nonverbal cues that show rudeness.
Sarcasm is also ruled out in this case because you may find yourself showing contempt or annoyance through such phrases.
Nonverbal cues to avoid are such as rolling your eyes or heavily sighing. Also, avoid having a patronizing tone when giving the annoying person your feedback.
7. Maintain Openness to Discussion and Understanding
Your annoyance may make you feel superior to the person and see their opinions as fickle. Looking down on the person will not help you in your attempt to be polite to them.
Try to actually hear what the person has to say. Where you may disagree or not understand, reason with them before fully condemning their idea. Annoyance also comes with some pride, so if you become humble, you take down one of the pillars that keeps up the feeling of annoyance towards the person in you.
8. Emphasize the Value of the Relationship
Being tired of someone in a relationship can lead to you being annoyed with them constantly. You may need a reminder of their value to you.
Start by having respect for them. Annoyance will always lead to disrespect so avoid this by taking time to know their dislikes and don’t do them.
Also be empathetic to them, doing to them what you would want them to do to you.
Don’t be blinded by their negatives to the point where you look down on them. This happens consciously and subconsciously too, so beware of it.
9. Reiterate Your Support and Appreciation
They say that good always overcomes evil. Annoyance is a negative emotion and can easily be eliminated with some appreciation for the person you find annoying.
You can add to any interesting topic they may bring up and thank them whenever they do something nice for you. Slowly your annoyance with the person will drift away and they may even end up being your friend.
Examples of Quotes To Tell Someone Who is Annoying In A Nice Way
To let someone know that they are annoying requires preparation, especially emotionally. Don’t just blatantly tell them that they are annoying, add in some factors such as humor, and show them the right way to address matters. We will show you how to do that in this section.
Encouraging Self-Reflection and Personal Growth
Most people you find annoying don’t know they are. Once you politely point out their flaws, they’ll take time to reflect and rectify their mistakes.
- Hey, you’re making a lot of people angry with the way you act in these types of situations. We would like it if you changed.
- I know you do this sometimes because it is your personality, but it’s really getting on my nerves. I can show you better ways of addressing such issues.
- If this is what you do when you start spiraling then it isn’t right because it makes me really annoyed. There are many other ways to reduce stress and I can refer you to some.
- I know that you’re a good person and you would never purposely anger me, but unfortunately, that’s what you’re doing right now. Let me help you address this better.

Setting Boundaries and Expressing Expectations
Don’t just tell the person who annoys you how much they annoy you. Guide them in letting them know your limits and boundaries. Be firm but gentle with them too.
- I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a long time. I do not like the way you take my things without asking. It makes me feel disrespected. I want you to stop.
- I’d like you to start taking me seriously whenever you notice a change in my manner. Some jokes you make are annoying and may lead to the termination of our friendship.
- You make me extremely uncomfortable and annoyed when you do that. Kindly respect my boundaries or I’ll have to stop associating with you for both our sakes.
- I really hate it when you keep bringing up some issues. It makes me annoyed and uncomfortable. If you’re really my friend kindly consider my feelings and stop doing that.
Using Humor to Lighten the Mood
If the person understands and takes note of the points you are putting across, you can lighten up the mood with some humor. Do this after they get what you’re trying to say, and not because you are afraid of their reaction.
- Thank you for understanding what I was putting down. I was so scared of losing this valuable friendship that I almost pissed myself.
- You have a contagious and unique energy that makes me consider you as an overwhelming salesperson sometimes but it’s all part of what makes you special.
- I value our friendship, and our conversations are great, although at times I can’t help it but I feel like I need a short breather to recharge my will to be around you.
- I value our connection, you are a fun person to be around, and your vibe is contagious, but I don’t know if you notice that I’m a bit like a pet cat. I’m sassy and get annoyed easily.
Annoyance is a normal feeling that should be expressed just like other feelings. But it can have pretty dire consequences if mishandled. Having an annoying person around you may be the wake-up call you need to revisit how to manage your different emotions.
However, don’t find yourself so calm that you end up entertaining the person’s annoyance. Being calm just means that you can call the person out politely too when they get to your limits.
Showing the person who annoys you a nice gesture may help you deal with your feelings toward them. You can get them this best friend name necklace. It is a pair of sterling silver necklaces whose pendants are split Batman symbols. They can be engraved with both of your names. Wear them to show your dedication to your relationship.
You can also try this custom name birth flower keychain. This is a stainless steel keyring with a bar with the name of the person being gifted engraved and their birth flower. There is also a disc with their initials. It comes in various colors and can also be used to decorate other items such as purses.