
50 Weekend Friday Funny Quotes To Cheer You Colleagues 

The end of the week brings joy and deserves celebration. Fridays mark the beginning of free days that allow rest and recreation. Friday itself is a joyful day that warrants a good laugh from the eagerness for the day to come.

You can share some quotes with your family and friends on Friday for a good laugh. It could be a pun or simple humor, but sometimes that marks the start of a good time.

In this article, we will show you relatable and funny quotes you can read and share to spread the Friday cheer!

Cheers to the Weekend!

Friday is the last day of work and this warrants some happy quotes that celebrate the start of the weekend. Here are our samples.

  1. The days of the weekend are naturally meant for resting. No need to slave away on your free day!
  1. Friday is the key to relieving your weekly stress. Don’t waste this chance!
  1. You deserve to take some time off to relax and put everything aside. This is why the weekend is a gift we should treasure.
  1. Even Jesus knew how to get the party started. I mean, the fish, bread, wine…he also loves it when we take a break to celebrate after hard work.
  1. Not taking the weekend for us is like committing a crime against yourself. Just take the time off, time will always be there.
  1. Don’t be tricked into not taking your weekend to relax or recreate. You deserve rest and happiness, so give it to yourself!
  1. The weekend should always be taken seriously. Treat it like a gift and make the most out of it the best way you know how!
  1. Your time off should be taken seriously just like your time working. You need to balance both sides of your life to prevent burnout.
  1. It’s understandable if you don’t like having fun, however, you should. Surround yourself with people who relax the way you like and take that time off for yourself.
  1. Don’t neglect yourself. Enjoy the weekend the best way you know how to become at the end of the week, the week has to end.

Office Humor to Wrap Up the Week

In this section, we will share funny quotes and jokes about office life, perfect for sharing with colleagues as the workweek winds down.

  1. Friday is a day when everyone is both productive and unproductive at the same time. We’re all aiming to get done with our jobs by five.
  1. A happy hour begins at five pm on a Friday because it’s only gonna end on Sunday!
  1. Need a drinking buddy? Meet me at the parking lot at 5.01 p.m and I promise you’ll make me your work best friend from Monday.
  1. The greatest part about going to work on Friday is getting to leave. If life’s just a cycle, then fully enjoy the fun part of that cycle.
  1. If you love yourself and your job, go out and have some fun. Give yourself, and everyone else, a break! 
  1. Friday’s at the office? More like Friyays at the office.
  1. Have you ever done something not with the excitement to start, but the excitement to finish? That’s Friday at the office.
  1. Keep your head up guys, just a few more hours to the end of this wretched week. Now it’s one more second less, and another, and another, and another…
  1. Do you love your job? Then leave at exactly five pm because it also needs a break to enjoy the weekend. I’m sure it’s also tired of seeing your tired burnt-out face.
  1. How do you know that Friday was lit? Coming back on Monday to deal with marinated piles of finished/unfinished paperwork.

TGIF: Thank Goodness It’s Funny

Here is a collection of hilarious sayings that embody the “Thank God It’s Friday” spirit, perfect for any Friday setting.

  1. We’re not crazy for thanking God it’s Friday, because it’s been tough.
  1. Another description of heaven on earth is Fridays from 5 pm.
  1. Everyone around, even my boss, is always excited to leave the office on Friday.
  1. It’s no coincidence people associate Friday with luck. Of course, this beautiful day brings someone luck.
  1. My definition of heaven is a world where every day makes me feel the way Fridays do.
  1. Fun is in the air on Fridays, and I’m about to catch a cold.
  1. If Fridays keep being this lit I might name my daughter Frida.
  1. Monday is miles away from Friday, but that won’t stop us from taking every second of our rest seriously.
  1. My Friday excitement usually begins on Monday. Nothing can take this moment away from me.
  1. My week ended on Wednesday. I’m just waiting for the rest of my body to catch up physically.

Relatable Weekend Vibes

Almost every human being is always excited for the weekend. Too many of us share the same routines, so here are some relatable Friday quotes to keep you smiling.

  1. There’s this natural in-born happiness whenever Friday comes close. Let’s celebrate the weekend!
  1. Since all our routines are the same, the party should be crowded and full of life. The party starts now!
  1. If you’re gloomy on a Friday, then you must be going through a lot. But that is even more reason to have fun and hang out with friends or relax.
  1. Every Friday evening, club bops randomly and conveniently fill my mind after work. It’s like a reflex action.
  1. Only an introvert can celebrate the weekend with zeal and then end up unapologetically canceling every invite and commitment just to sit alone and relax.
  1. The weekend is here so now it’s time to wear comfortably and spend an hour searching for a suitable series, only to fall asleep ten minutes into the movie.
  1. Friday doesn’t rhyme with Hurray for no reason. Put down your paperwork, wear something comfortable, and take a break.
  1. Friday is like the full stop to a long essay. The next sentence is now shorter and more understandable.
  1. The weekend vibes are usually in the air as early as Friday morning. I have chosen to embrace the vibe.
  1. The weekend is not a time to work and wear yourself out working. Free your mind either on the dance floor, in bed, or doing something other than work.

Family Fun on Fridays

In this subtopic, we’ve shared amusing quotes about spending time with family during the weekend, suitable for all ages.

  1. There’s nothing more peaceful than just being in the same space as your family. It’s lovely to get to share your space with them.
  1. Family love grows most during the weekends, when proper catching up is done.
  1. You don’t need to talk continuously with family for you to feel in touch with them. Just their uninterrupted presence can be enough to heal you.
  1. What else can you be doing on Friday before you spend time meaningfully catching up with your family?
  1. Putting all your commitments aside just so you can properly hang out with family creates the security and attention family members need to have towards each other.
  1. Fun with family after toiling the whole week and school and work is so refreshing.
  1. Family is amazing, once you get to know them that is. What better time to do this than over the weekend?
  1. Love is also in spending time together. Take Friday family fun times seriously.
  1. Family can be a free source of entertainment, especially once you manage to get to their comfort zone. Just start a topic and let them carry on with their storytelling.
  1. After a long week of different news and events, we can convene with family and have a proper chat and bonding session.

The Lazy Friday Afternoon

Fridays off are the best, a great way to increase the weekend resting hours. Here are quotes that poke fun at the ambition to do nothing but relax on a Friday.

  1. The beauty of a free Friday is a breath of fresh air – when you’re tucked under the covers with your favorite food and series.
  1. When everyone complains about how hot the afternoon is, I’m happy about how much more sleepy I’ll be after stuffing my face.
  1. Why do you deny yourself heaven? There’ll be time to do other chores, assignments, and paperwork. On a Friday afternoon, don’t focus on this.
  1. Having a Friday afternoon off is a blessing. You have been given a chance to make your weekend longer. Don’t waste it. Utilize every second of it to rest.
  1. I feel like the most comfortable place to be in after your mother’s womb is in the covers on a Friday afternoon.
  1. Rest opens your mind and soul…to more movie ideas. 
  1. You’ve spent all your life being told to work hard and avoid too much rest. Friday afternoons are when you can completely disregard this teaching.
  1. God created Friday afternoons for rest, watching movies, and more rest. And we all love God, so it’s only proper that we respect him.
  1. On a Friday afternoon, don’t let yourself remain stressed out. Put away anything that stresses you and become a couch potato.
  1. Don’t feel guilty at all. Get into those sheets. Eat twice your required calories. Watch ten hours of the series. You only live once.


These quotes will help you spread the Friday excitement wherever you share them, so you can target someone you notice has been feeling gloomy. You can also make them more fun and write them as notes on the fridge, work notice board, or any other unexpected places.

We wish you a happy Friday and a prosperous weekend!

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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