Saying goodbye is never easy. Whether the farewell is for a good cause or not, it always causes pain to one or both parties.
Relationship goodbyes are tough. You may be planning on letting go of your boyfriend and thinking about the hard part: telling him. There are many caring ways in which you can let him down easily. There can never be total elimination of the pain your boyfriend will feel, but you can at least drop the bombshell gently.
In this article, we will show you great heartfelt relationship and final farewell quotes that you can share with your boyfriend.
Expressing Your Emotions: Heartfelt Farewell Quotes
When saying goodbye, you may want to put yourself out there, meaning you may want to tell your boyfriend all you’re feeling now, and before the split. The quotes below will show you examples of the best ways to do that.
- I care about you too much to let you keep loving me when I don’t anymore. This breakup may hurt terribly, but not as much as a loveless relationship would.
- I couldn’t possibly live with myself knowing I’m holding you down but at the same time not loving you the way you’re supposed to be.
- Once I thought that this moment would never arrive but nothing is impossible when it comes to the human race. I thought that I could control my feelings and make myself love you again, but the heart has a mind of its own.
- My relationship with you will always be precious to me. Although it has to come to an end, I will not let go of all the good times we shared.
- It’s truly a shame that it came to be this way. I do hate that I’m doing this but some goodbyes are necessary.
- I don’t know what to say to you to truly calm you down but as much as this goodbye was necessary, I regret hurting your feelings.
- I pray that you find the strength to move past this quickly.
- My joy would be for me to see you happy, but that won’t be with me if I keep pretending.
- Remember to take time to hate me for you to truly move past this.
Reflecting on the Journey: Memories and Moments Shared
Before the closing of your book, a little want to recap the chapters to relive precious moments is normal. The quotes below will show you ways you can do that gracefully with your boyfriend. It will let him know that those memories were always worth it.
- My mornings are about to get gloomier and it’s giving me jitters. Your world-class cappuccino always puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day. I can’t believe I’m breaking up with that too.
- Sleeping alone in a new bed will definitely make me feel out of place. I will miss the pillow fights and refreshing late-night conversations.
- One of the reasons I hate that I’m doing this is because I will now have to live in my imagination to feel the feeling of being with you.
- Your wild laughs during our stories will now remain echoes in my mind.
- I’m sure I’ll be smiling by myself later when I remember your unrealistic ghost stories.
- Missing you will be a painful thrill. I hate how necessary things may be bitter-sweet.
- Let me say hello to cuddling myself at night from now on.
- I hope that once you move past this we can be friends. I will always crave your presence.
- You will always get a five-star pasta review from me at your restaurant despite our breakup.
Letting Go with Love: Farewell Quotes for Closure
Goodbyes are ugly, but they do not have to be followed by hate afterward. The quotes we will show you below will give you ideas on how to end the relationship on good terms while giving your boyfriend the closure he needs.
- I know that sorry won’t cut it. The feelings of pain will need time to disappear. We don’t have to pretend that we are good friends after this.
- Although I may have stopped loving you in a romantic way, I still always love you as a friend.
- Being the villain in this story, ironically I wish you all the best.
- I never thought it would come to this but some things have to be done, hard as they may be. I hope that one day you will understand why I made this decision.
- Honestly, I may not be sorry for making a decision that caters for my well being, but I will always be sorry that it came at the expense of your feelings.
- Letting go doesn’t have to be all about pain. A fresh start for both of us might be just what we need to kickstart our transformation to better and happier people.
- You have taught me a lot about myself. I’m thankful for all the love you have shown me. I will still treasure it even though we are done.
- I hope you realize that our relationship was never a waste of time. All the moments we had were important. It just happens that life had different plans for us than we had for ourselves.
- For all the happiness you gave me, you will always remain special to me.

Wishing Them Well: Goodbye Quotes for a Bright Future
Farewells tend to haze the other person’s feelings. Your boyfriend may end up feeling like you never really cared about him. The quotes listed will have well wishes for your boyfriend so he doesn’t see you as a total monster.
- We may not be lovers anymore, but I still wish you nothing but the best in life.
- I hope all your stars align because you deserve it.
- You are still the greatest and kindest person I have ever met. For this, you deserve to achieve your goals more easily.
- I hope that luck and grace is on your side as you now try to make it without me.
- You have always known how to get things done and that’s why I loved you. I hope everything works out.
- You are still the smartest and strongest person I have ever known. Don’t let this obstacle make you forget that.
- Now that I’m out of the way, fully focus on your dreams and don’t give up.
- I will still be ready to support you in any way you’ll need me to. I’m still your fan.
- All I want to see you do now is succeed. May all your dreams come true.
Saying Goodbye with Grace: Quotes for Closure and Healing
The quotes below will help you say goodbye more agreeably. They will help bring closure to your boyfriend by telling him goodbye with love and gentleness. You can add on the reason for your breakup to bring him full closure.
- It may be true that I have stopped loving you, but I will always care about you.
- I would love to have the courage to tell you that this relationship could work in a different setting, or in another world, but that will not be true. The best thing to do now is to let you go.
- I wouldn’t want to keep holding on to you because that would be withholding you from finding the true love of your life.
- If you really love me, then you should let me go. Sometimes the best way to show someone you love them is letting them go.
- There is no best way to say goodbye to someone I have shared so much with. But this is my stop.
- I hope that it’s enough consolation that you know how much thought and analysis I put into this. Continuing with this relationship would slowly break me down.
- Sometimes, a person just needs to be selfish so that they can achieve their maximum happiness. My feelings for you ran out without my consent and forcing them to resurface only wore me down.
- They say a woman knows exactly when her feelings for someone run out. Putting it out there becomes the issue. This has been the case for me. However, hiding them past my limits will only bring resentment between us.
- I know that you may now see me as a horrible person, but all I wish for you is healing and a short journey to it.
A final goodbye is the worst, but if there was a need for it, then you are on the right track. Remember that your gentleness in telling your boyfriend this still matters. Letting him down easy, and giving him full closure and a reason to move on is good for both of you. He will get through his healing faster and you will be peaceful knowing that you are part of the very small percentage of good exes (and people) in the world.
Nothing screams, ”I wish you well,” louder than a goodbye gift. Getting your boyfriend a gift can act as an extended olive branch to him. You can check out these cool circle initial cufflinks for a start. They are circular sterling silver cufflinks that are also available in platinum and gold colors. They give off a classical feel making them perfect for formal occasions.
Another great goodbye gift is this personalized men’s anchor leather bracelet. It is available in different colors for the leather and the anchor. Its leather design gives off an aura of manliness, with the anchor symbolizing a character of being steadfast in situations. Giving your boyfriend this as a goodbye gift will lift his spirits a little.