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120 Unique Bible Names for Your Baby

Selecting the right name for your baby can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to begin.

However, there is hope at the end of the tunnel, as the bible has names you can use when naming your child after birth.

Some names will fit your needs, and there are numerous options, whether a boy or a girl.

The Appeal of Biblical Names

Biblical names have a timeless appeal that draws parents in with their spiritual resonance and rich historical background. 

These names are more than just labels; they carry stories that have influenced faith and molded civilizations for ages. 

Every biblical name, from Abraham to Zipporah, has historical significance and links people to old tales and ideologies. 

Furthermore, these names frequently have deep connotations and attributes that mirror the ideals and goals of their biblical counterparts.

Biblical names witness timeless values that parents aspire to teach their children, such as Ruth’s compassion, Solomon’s wisdom, or David’s perseverance. 

For parents looking for depth and meaning in their child’s name, these names are a fascinating option since they remind them of timeless ideals and an anchor in tradition in a world where change happens quickly.

Unique Biblical Names for Boys

If you’re wondering which biblical names you can give your baby boy, then here are names that you can use that come from the Bible:

  1. Boaz – Meaning “strength” or “swiftness,” Boaz was a wealthy landowner in the book of Ruth, known for his kindness and generosity.
  1. Ezra – Signifying “help” or “helper,” Ezra was a priest and scribe who played a significant role in the restoration of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile.
  1. Jethro—This name means “excellence” or “overflow,” and it was borne by Moses’ father-in-law, who was known for his wisdom and counsel.
  1. Mordecai – Meaning “devoted to Marduk” or “worshipper of Mars,” Mordecai was a Jewish exile in Persia who played a vital role in the story of Esther, symbolizing courage and faithfulness.
  1. Nehemiah – Signifying “comforted by Yahweh” or “Yahweh has comforted,” Nehemiah was a Jewish leader who oversaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls, representing divine restoration and provision.
  1. Obadiah – This name means “servant of Yahweh” or “worshipper of Yahweh,” borne by a minor prophet in the Old Testament who prophesied against Edom.
  1. Phinehas – Meaning “mouth of brass” or “oracle,” Phinehas was a priest known for his zeal for God, symbolizing dedication and righteousness.
  1. Silas – Signifying “wood” or “forest,” Silas was Paul’s companion in his missionary journeys and was known for his faithfulness and endurance.
  1. Thaddeus – This name means “heart” or “courageous,” borne by one of the twelve apostles, also known as Jude, symbolizing strength and bravery.
  1. Tobiah – Meaning “Yahweh is good” or “goodness of Yahweh,” Tobiah represents divine favor and benevolence.
  1. Baruch – Signifying “blessed” or “blessing,” Baruch was a scribe and companion of the prophet Jeremiah, symbolizing divine favor and providence.
  1. Cornelius – This name means “horn” or “warrior,” borne by a centurion in the New Testament known for his piety and conversion to Christianity.
  1. Eliezer – This means “God is my help” or “my God helps.” Eliezer was a servant of Abraham, representing divine assistance and support.
  1. Gideon – Signifying “feller” or “hewer,” Gideon was a judge and military leader known for his faith and courage, symbolizing strength and bravery.
  1. Hiram – This name means “exalted brother” or “my brother is exalted,” borne by a king of Tyre who assisted Solomon in building the Temple.
  1. Jedidiah – Meaning “beloved of Yahweh” or “friend of Yahweh,” Jedidiah was a name given to Solomon by the prophet Nathan, symbolizing divine affection and favor.
  1. Lazarus – Signifying “God has helped” or “God is my help,” Lazarus was the name of a man whom Jesus raised from the dead, symbolizing divine intervention and resurrection.
  1. Malachi—This name means “my messenger” or “messenger of God.” It was borne by one of the twelve minor prophets in the Old Testament, symbolizing divine communication and prophecy.
  1. Nahum – Meaning “comfort” or “consolation,” Nahum was a prophet who delivered messages of judgment against Nineveh, symbolizing divine justice and mercy.
  1. Omri – Signifying “sheaf of corn” or “fruitful,” Omri was a king of Israel known for his military prowess and building projects.
  1. Reuben – This name means “behold, a son” or “son of vision,” Reuben was the firstborn son of Jacob, representing parental hope and vision for the future.
  1. Simeon – Meaning “heard” or “hearing,” Simeon was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, symbolizing attentiveness and receptivity to God’s voice.
  1. Titus – Signifying “title of honor” or “defender,” Titus was a companion of Paul and a leader in the early Christian church, symbolizing leadership and protection.
  1. Uriah—This name means “God is my light” or “flame of Yahweh.” Uriah was a loyal soldier in David’s army, known for his integrity and devotion. He symbolized divine illumination and guidance.
  1. Zebulun – Meaning “exalted” or “dwelling,” Zebulun was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, representing honor and stability.
  1. Amos – Signifying “burden” or “borne by God,” Amos was a prophet who delivered messages of judgment and restoration, symbolizing divine calling and empowerment.
  1. Cyrus – This name means “sun” or “radiant,” borne by the Persian king who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple, symbolizing divine providence and favor.
  1. Emmanuel – Meaning “God is with us,” Emmanuel is a prophetic name given to Jesus, symbolizing God’s presence and salvation among humanity.
  1. Hezekiah – Signifying “Yahweh strengthens” or “strengthened by Yahweh,” Hezekiah was a righteous king of Judah known for his faithfulness and reforms, symbolizing divine support and empowerment.
  1. Josiah – This name means “Yahweh supports” or “whom Yahweh heals,” Josiah was a righteous king of Judah known for his religious reforms and devotion to God, symbolizing divine assistance and healing.

Blessed Name For A Boy In The Bible

For those looking for blessed names for a boy in the bible, here are a few ideas you can go for. The best part is that these names can be used in the modern day and age:

  1. Benjamin – This means “son of the right hand” or “son of the south.” Benjamin was Jacob’s youngest son, representing affection and honor.
  1. David – Signifying “beloved” or “darling,” David was the renowned king of Israel, known for his courage and devotion to God.
  1. Isaac – This name means “he will laugh” or “laughter,” reflecting the joy that Isaac brought to his parents, Abraham and Sarah, as a fulfillment of God’s promise.
  1. Jacob – Meaning “supplanter” or “holder of the heel,” Jacob was the patriarch who wrestled with God and received the name Israel, symbolizing perseverance and spiritual transformation.
  1. Jesse – Signifying “gift” or “wealth,” Jesse was the father of King David, representing blessings and prosperity.
  1. Joseph – This name means “may he add” or “he will increase,” reflecting Joseph’s rise to prominence in Egypt and God’s blessings upon him.
  1. Joshua – Meaning “Yahweh is salvation” or “Yahweh saves,” Joshua was the successor of Moses who led the Israelites into the Promised Land, symbolizing deliverance and victory.
  1. Caleb – Signifying “dog” or “faithful,” Caleb was one of the twelve spies who explored the land of Canaan and remained faithful to God, representing loyalty and courage.
  1. Daniel – This name means “God is my judge” or “God is my strength,” borne by the prophet Daniel, who remained faithful to God despite adversity, symbolizing integrity and resilience.
  1. Ezekiel – Meaning “God strengthens” or “strength of God,” Ezekiel was a prophet known for his visions and messages of hope and restoration.
  1. Gabriel – Signifying “God is my strength” or “hero of God,” Gabriel was an archangel who brought messages of significance, including the annunciation to Mary of Jesus’ birth, symbolizing divine communication and protection.
  1. Michael – This name means “who is like God” or “who resembles God,” borne by an archangel associated with protection and victory.
  1. Nathaniel – Meaning “gift of God” or “God has given,” Nathaniel was one of the apostles known for his sincerity and faith.
  1. Noah – Signifying “rest” or “comfort,” Noah was a righteous man who built the ark and survived the flood, representing divine preservation and renewal.
  1. Samuel – This name means “heard of God” or “God has heard,” borne by the prophet Samuel, who was dedicated to God from birth and served as a judge and prophet, symbolizing divine communication and responsiveness.
  1. Solomon – Meaning “peace” or “peaceful,” Solomon was a wise and prosperous king of Israel, known for his wisdom and building of the Temple.
  1. Timothy – Signifying “honoring God” or “to honor God,” Timothy was a disciple and companion of Paul, known for his faithfulness and diligence in ministry.
  1. Zechariah – This name means “Yahweh remembers” or “remembered by Yahweh,” borne by various figures in the Bible, including a prophet and the father of John the Baptist, symbolizing divine remembrance and favor.
  1. Amos – Meaning “burden” or “borne by God,” Amos was a prophet who delivered messages of justice and righteousness, symbolizing divine calling and empowerment.
  1. Andrew – Signifying “manly” or “brave,” Andrew was one of the twelve apostles, known for his humility and willingness to lead others to Jesus.
  1. Emmanuel – This name means “God is with us,” reflecting the prophecy of the Messiah’s coming and God’s presence among his people.
  1. Ethan – Meaning “strong” or “enduring,” Ethan was a wise man mentioned in the Psalms, symbolizing strength and wisdom.
  1. Matthias – Signifying the “gift of God,” Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot among the apostles, symbolizing divine selection and providence.
  1. Micah – This name means “who is like God” or “one who resembles God,” borne by various prophets in the Bible, symbolizing divine authority and similarity.
  1. Raphael – Meaning “God heals” or “healed by God,” Raphael is an archangel associated with healing and guidance in the Book of Tobit.
  1. Seth – Signifying “appointed” or “substitute,” Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve, representing God’s provision and continuity after the death of Abel.
  1. Simon – This name means “he has heard” or “listener,” borne by various figures in the Bible, including Simon Peter, one of the twelve apostles, symbolizing receptivity to God’s word.
  1. Tobias – Meaning “God is good” or “God is my goodness,” Tobias represents divine favor and benevolence, borne by various figures in the Bible, including the protagonist of the Book of Tobit.
  1. Zachariah – Signifying “Yahweh remembers” or “remembered by Yahweh,” Zachariah was a priest and the father of John the Baptist, symbolizing divine remembrance and fulfillment of promises.
  1. Uriah – This name means “God is my light” or “flame of Yahweh,” borne by a loyal soldier in David’s army, known for his integrity and devotion, symbolizing divine illumination and guidance.

Unique Biblical Names for Girls

If you have a girl, you can use these names to see if they fit. Here are some of the names you can give your baby girl from the Bible:

  1. Keziah – Meaning “cassia” or “fragrance,” Keziah was one of Job’s daughters, symbolizing beauty and grace.
  1. Tirzah – This name signifies “pleasantness” or “delight,” reflecting the cherished status of the city Tirzah in the Bible.
  1. Zipporah – Meaning “bird” or “little bird,” Zipporah was the wife of Moses, representing freedom and resilience.
  1. Magdalene – Derived from Magdala, Magdalene means “tower” or “elevated,” often associated with Mary Magdalene, symbolizing spiritual awakening and transformation.
  1. Seraphina – This name is derived from the biblical term “seraphim,” meaning “fiery ones” or “burning ones,” representing angelic beings associated with God’s presence and holiness.
  1. Dorcas – Meaning “gazelle” or “deer,” Dorcas was a disciple in the New Testament known for her acts of charity and compassion.
  1. Keturah – Signifying “incense” or “fragrance,” Keturah was Abraham’s second wife, representing sweetness and purity.
  1. Adah – This name means “ornament” or “adornment,” symbolizing beauty and grace, borne by one of Lamech’s wives in the Bible.
  1. Vashti – Meaning “beautiful” or “best,” Vashti was a queen in the book of Esther, embodying dignity and independence.
  1. Junia – A name derived from the Latin “Junius,” meaning “youthful” or “young,” Junia was a prominent female apostle mentioned in the New Testament.
  1. Hadassah – Signifying “myrtle tree,” Hadassah was the Hebrew name of Esther, representing resilience and victory.
  1. Selah – This term, found frequently in the Psalms, is often interpreted as a musical notation or a pause for reflection, symbolizing meditation and contemplation.
  1. Salome – Meaning “peace” or “peaceful,” Salome was one of the women who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus, embodying peace and serenity.
  1. Miriam – This name means “sea of bitterness” or “rebelliousness,” borne by the sister of Moses and Aaron, symbolizing strength and leadership.
  1. Tamar – Signifying “palm tree,” Tamar was a courageous woman in the Old Testament known for her determination and perseverance.
  1. Shiloh – Meaning “tranquil” or “peaceful,” Shiloh was a significant ancient city in Israel and is also used as a messianic title, representing peace and prosperity.
  1. Zemira – This name means “song” or “melody,” reflecting the joy and beauty associated with music, borne by one of the daughters of Job.
  1. Jerusha – Signifying “possession” or “possession of God,” Jerusha was the wife of King Uzziah and mother of King Jotham, representing divine inheritance and favor.
  1. Phoebe – Meaning “bright” or “radiant,” Phoebe was a deaconess in the early Christian church, symbolizing light and purity.
  1. Delilah – This name means “delicate” or “weak,” borne by the infamous woman who betrayed Samson, symbolizing seduction and deception.
  1. Jael – Signifying “mountain goat” or “wild goat,” Jael was a courageous woman who defeated an enemy general, symbolizing strength and boldness.
  1. Orpah – Meaning “neck” or “back of the neck,” Orpah was Naomi’s daughter-in-law in the book of Ruth, symbolizing loyalty and devotion.
  1. Huldah – This name means “weasel” or “mole,” borne by a prophetess in the Old Testament known for her wisdom and insight.
  1. Zibiah – Signifying “gazelle” or “roe deer,” Zibiah was the mother of King Joash of Judah, representing grace and elegance.
  1. Abra – meaning “father of many” or “mother of many,” Abra was a variant of the name Abraham, symbolizing a lineage of blessings and abundance.
  1. Hephzibah – This name means “my delight is in her” or “she is my delight,” representing God’s pleasure and favor, borne by a queen of Judah.
  1. Tabitha – Signifying “gazelle” or “roe deer,” Tabitha was a disciple in the New Testament known for her acts of kindness and charity.
  1. Athaliah – Meaning “Yahweh is exalted” or “whom Yahweh afflicts,” Athaliah was a queen of Judah known for her tyranny and opposition to God’s will.
  1. Rhoda – This name means “rose” or “flower,” borne by a servant girl in the New Testament known for her faithfulness and hospitality.
  1. Tryphena – Signifying “luxurious” or “delicate,” Tryphena was a woman mentioned in the New Testament, symbolizing elegance and refinement.

Gender-Neutral Biblical Names

You can also get gender-neutral names from the bible that you can give to your baby boy or baby girl based on your preference. Here are some of them: 

  1. Ariel – Meaning “lion of God” or “God’s hearth,” Ariel carries connotations of strength and divine protection.
  1. Dana – Signifying “God is my judge” or “arbiter,” Dana embodies principles of justice and righteousness.
  1. Jordan – Derived from Hebrew meaning “descend” or “flow down,” Jordan symbolizes cleansing and renewal, as in the Jordan River.
  1. Morgan – This name means “sea dweller” or “bright sea,” evoking images of vastness and depth.
  1. Taylor – Signifying “tailor” or “clothing maker,” Taylor represents craftsmanship and attention to detail.
  1. Shannon – Meaning “wise river” or “wise one,” Shannon embodies qualities of wisdom and guidance.
  1. Drew – Derived from “Andrew,” meaning “manly” or “masculine,” Drew is associated with strength and courage.
  1. Jamie – This name means “supplanter” or “one who follows,” reflecting adaptability and resilience.
  1. Riley – Signifying “courageous” or “valiant,” Riley embodies bravery and determination.
  1. Jesse – Meaning “gift” or “wealth,” Jesse carries connotations of blessings and abundance.
  1. Casey – Derived from Irish Gaelic meaning “vigilant” or “watchful,” Casey embodies qualities of alertness and attentiveness.
  1. Avery – This name means “ruler of the elves” or “wise,” representing leadership and intelligence.
  1. Jo – Signifying “God is gracious” or “gift of God,” Jo embodies divine favor and blessing.
  1. Alex – Meaning “defender of the people” or “helper of mankind,” Alex represents protection and support.
  1. Charlie – Derived from “Charles,” meaning “free man” or “warrior,” Charlie embodies independence and strength.
  1. Robin – Signifying “bright fame” or “shining,” Robin represents renown and visibility.
  1. Sidney – This name means “wide island” or “wide meadow,” evoking images of expansiveness and openness.
  1. Bailey – Meaning “bailiff” or “steward,” Bailey embodies principles of responsibility and caretaking.
  1. Cameron – Signifying “crooked nose” or “bent nose,” Cameron represents uniqueness and individuality.
  1. Taylor – Derived from Old French meaning “cutter of cloth” or “tailor,” Taylor embodies craftsmanship and precision.
  1. Jordan – This name means “flowing down” or “descending,” symbolizing purification and renewal, as in the Jordan River.
  1. Harley – Signifying “hare meadow” or “from the hare’s meadow,” Harley represents nature and vitality.
  1. Kerry – Meaning “dark” or “dark-haired,” Kerry carries connotations of mystery and depth.
  1. Frankie – Derived from “Franklin,” meaning “free landholder” or “free man,” Frankie embodies independence and autonomy.
  1. Quinn – Signifying “counsel” or “wisdom,” Quinn embodies qualities of insight and discernment.
  1. Sidney – Meaning “wide island” or “broad meadow,” Sidney represents expansiveness and openness.
  1. Morgan – Derived from Welsh meaning “sea-born” or “bright sea,” Morgan symbolizes depth and clarity.
  1. Kelly – Signifying “warrior” or “fighter,” Kelly embodies strength and resilience.
  1. Morgan – This name means “bright sea” or “sea dweller,” evoking images of vastness and depth.
  1. Ashley – Meaning “ash tree meadow” or “dweller near the ash tree forest,” Ashley represents rootedness and strength.

Tips for Choosing a Biblical Name

When choosing a biblical name, you need to be extra careful so that you can select the right name that fits your baby. Here are some considerations you should make:

Meaning Matters

Explore the significance of biblical names. These names are more than just labels; they frequently have deep spiritual or historical meanings. 

Every name has a plethora of inspirational tales and symbolism from old religious texts ingrained in it. 

Consider the virtues, traits, or attributes that specific biblical names reflect as you investigate their meanings. 

Choosing a name with deep meaning can give your child’s identity more depth and resonance, whether it’s power, wisdom, faithfulness, or grace.

Pronunciation and Spelling

While biblical names have deep meanings, some may be difficult to pronounce or have different spellings. 

Consider how simple it is for others to pronounce the name and whether it requires frequent revisions. 

Additionally, consider how spelling choice can impact your child’s experience, particularly in this digital age when names are frequently entered into databases or online forms. 

Choosing a simple name to spell and pronounce helps promote ease of understanding and communication.

Family and Cultural Traditions

Consider your family’s religious and cultural traditions when choosing a biblical name. Several families continue a history of faith and heritage by naming their children after relatives or characters from sacred literature. 

Consider if biblical names have special meaning in your family tree or cultural background. Adopting these customs can honor the legacy of those who came before you and strengthen your ties to your roots.

Future Considerations

When selecting a biblical name for your child, consider the future. Consider how the name can be interpreted in social and professional settings as your child ages. 

Consider any nicknames or variations of the selected name and see if they suit your tastes. Also, consider the potential effects of the name on your child’s identity and self-worth. 

Selecting a name that inspires your child and gives them the courage to accept their unique personality is just as important as choosing one that aligns with your faith and values.


Choosing a biblical name for your child is highly personal and significant, considering many factors. 

The process is filled with meaning at every turn, from discovering the profound importance of each name to maneuvering through subtle pronunciation and spelling issues and from respecting cultural and familial customs to planning your child’s future. 

Vincent Otieno

Vincent Otieno is a passionate jewelry enthusiast and writer at Getnamenecklace, an e-commerce store dedicated to offering exquisite jewelry and thoughtful gifts for your loved ones. With a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the art of gift-giving, Vincent curates a collection that celebrates the beauty of craftsmanship and the joy of making family moments unforgettable.

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